Yves 是一位服裝設計師,品牌創立初主要以精緻修改服裝為主,後來漸漸開始創作自己的服裝以及為客人客製服,商標的概念就是以他名字為命名,設計概念以流暢的線段為主體,表達服裝的構成都是以最小單位的線開始,抱持著職人精神慢慢刻劃出美麗適合的衣著樣式,以此品牌精神概念為出發。
Yves is a fashion designer, and the brand was established mainly for delicate modification of clothing, but gradually began to create his own clothing and custom-made clothes for his customers, the concept of the logo is named after him, and the design concept is based on smooth lines, expressing that the structure of the garment starts with the smallest unit of line, and the spirit of the workforce slowly carves out a beautiful and suitable style of clothing, starting with this brand spirit concept.
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